2022/01/24 07:54 The problem that appeared this morning seems to have been solved.
We have set up a new email server which replaces the old smtp.develec.co.za server. Please follow these instructions to update your email client (e.g. Outlook) to access the new server.
Bulk / Spam Emails Notice
Please note that if anyone sends spam / advertising messages, it can cause the server to be blacklisted. This impacts everyone and may have been the cause of the problems with the previous server. Please do not send any advertising / newsletter emails and keep you password safe. Use services such as Mail Chimp if you need to send out any bulk emails.
Sadly, in order to protect our users, is has become necessary to set up tracking mechanisms on our new server to detect spam and any email address which is found to be sending spam will be deleted without further notice.
How to change your Email Setup
Your email account has already been migrated to the new server so any email received from Sunday 2022/01/23 will be in your mailbox on the new server.
- First, open Outlook and click Send and Receive to ensure that all of your emails on the old server have been downloaded.
- Then you can change Outlook’s Settings to access the new server:
- Close Outlook
- Open Email Settings Outlook
- Open the Windows Control Panel
- Click “Mail (Microsoft Outlook)”
- Open Email Settings Outlook 365
- Open the Windows Control Panel
- Click “Mail (Microsoft Outllok)” or “Email” or
- If neither of these are present then:
- Open Outlook again and click File
- Pull Down User Accounts / Account Settings and click Manage Profiles
- A Mail Setup Window should appear
- Click the “Email Accounts…” Button
- Double-click the Email Address you need to change
- Change the “Incoming mail server” to smtp.develec.com
- Change the “Outgoing mail server (SMTP)” to smtp.develec.com
- Your password has changed. Add a ‘#’ character to the beginning of your password without changing any of the star characters.
- This might not always work, so please contact us if you have any difficulties with updating your password.
- Click “More Settings”
- Choose the “Outgoing Server” Tab
- Ensure that “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication is ticked.
- Select “Use the same settings as my incoming mail server”
- Choose the Advanced Tab
- Set “Incoming server (POP3)” to 995
- Ensure that “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS)” is ticked
- Set “Outgoing server (SMTP)” to 587
- Choose STARTTLS in the “Use the following type of encrypted connection”
- Click OK
- Click “Test Account Settings” and you should see two green ticks when the tests are complete
- Click Next
- Click Finish
You can try sending an email to yourself to check that everything works.
Webmail (Round Cube)
Round Cube has been updated and has a number of new features such as “dark mode”. Access your emails on the server using https://smtp.develec.com/.